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April 2022 week 2

Sat Naam - My Truth is My Identity

"I hope you’ve met at least one “Kingdom person” in your life. They are surrendered and trustful people. You sense that their life is okay at the core. They have given control to Another and are at peace, which paradoxically allows them to calmly be in control. A Kingdom person lives for what matters, for life in its deepest and lasting sense. There’s a kind of gentle absolutism about their lifestyle, an inner freedom to do what they have to do—joyfully. Kingdom people feel like grounded yet spacious people at the same time, the best of the conservative and the best of the progressive types in the same body.” Gurmukh’s book 8 Human Talents

Do you have a Kingdom person in your life? Are you a Kingdom person? Is this something you aspire to becoming? It sounds pretty sweet and easy doesn’t it?? I would say a Kingdom person is definitely living out Satya, truthfulness inside and out in their life.

What does living your truth really mean?

Satya - means to speak the truth and live the truth. We can ask ourselves are we being truthful in our thoughts, or words and our actions? These are ways of scrutinizing and practicing Satya from the outside in. Rolf Gates describes: the shift where we start to practice truthfulness from the inside out - the layers of falsehood fall away and an intimacy develops with our own truth. Ultimately our truth becomes all there is, it becomes who we are and who we desire to be.
It is becoming clearer and clearer to me as I stay on this spiritual path to the best of my ability that I must first and foremost develop an intimate relationship with myself, the good and the bad of me. If I do that, I can then live in the personal integrity of Satya and I can connect deeper with those around me. Without the personal connection, a true connection with others is impossible. I have to be honest in saying it has taken me a very long time to learn this valuable lesson. Not only do I need to truthfully connect with myself, even more important I then need to honestly accept, embrace and dare I say love all of me! This level of Satya is overwhelmingly freeing and I have had moments of it myself and I assure you, it is worth the effort to keep doing the work to go inward before out!
Rolf Gates calls moments of connection as “holy moments” when we come out of hiding and allow ourselves to simply be truthful with another human being. This I have a lot of reference for and they truly are holy moments of connection, but again the reference I have as the most holy of all are moments when I connect with myself with complete acceptance, and in those moments I feel the presence of my God surrounding me. These moments are precious and fleeting, but attainable if we continue to do this work together!!!! If you ever have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to email me so we can talk it out!
Sat Naam, my truth is my identity

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