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November 2022 Week 5

I commit to my spiritual path

Yes we are finally on our last week of the Klesha - Dvesha, aversion. At the beginning of class this week I read Pandit Rajmani Tigunait’s interpretation of Sutra 1:8 - “Mistaking the unreal for the real is false understanding. False understanding is not grounded in reality; instead it corresponds to that which has no ground.” He writes: “The mind has a tendency to brood over things that are baseless and to entertain things that are contrary to reality. It sees only what it wishes to see, hears only what it wishes to hear, respects only what it wants to respect, loves only what it wants to love. It does this by first blocking what is in view, then projecting what it wishes to see. He goes on to say….the mind is embracing that which is contrary to reality, a false understanding so potent and formidable that it creates a seemingly insurmountable commotion in the mind. (Read that again an insurmountable commotion in the mind, yikes been there, done that!!!!!). Furthermore, he goes through the Klesha’s as it relates to this scenario. “False understanding is the source of our most fundamental affliction, ignorance (#1 Avidya), for it blocks the view of reality regarding ourselves, then projects a distorted sense of self - identity (#2 Asmita) in its place. It leads us to become attached (#3 Raga) to the distorted identity. Attachment matures into strong dislike or hatred (#4 Dvesha) toward those who do not confirm the identity so dear to us. Under the influence of false understanding, we brood over our health, wealth, and possessions; we project our honor and dignity into the world around us; we proclaim our rights and discharge our duties; and we plan our spiritual quest. We see nothing wrong in our understanding until we approach a state of stillness in meditation and become somewhat established within. Then we begin to realize how false understanding of ourselves and others has created its own self-propelled atmosphere and sucked our mind into spinning endlessly - more confusion, more misunderstanding, more prejudice, more misconceptions, and a never ending blame game.”
That is a lot to take in and I think it is worth reading again!! I feel like it lays out this idea of the Klesha’s being the undue suffering that we create when we are not spiritually centered. I get into trouble and create insurmountable commotion in my mind when I think “I know”! I know how certain situations are going to play out and then I get uncomfortable and busy thinking about what I have to do or say in order to stop this inevitable situation to play out the way I think it is going to, I am absolutely certain it will unfold in a particular way. Its crazy!!!!! First, why do I think know? Then, why do I feel like I have to do or say something to change the course of this event? As if I am that powerful!!!! This false understanding sets me up for anxiety, worry and yes suffering!!!!
All of this awareness is key to me shifting into less commotion in my mind, more peace, ease and joy!!!!! The next step away from all of this suffering is meditation - simply quieting my mind and observing the crazy thoughts I am having. I am grateful to know the solution to my suffering, now it is up to me to Commit to My Spiritual Path again and again - it is worth the effort!!

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