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December 2022 Week 3

I Don't Mind How it Goes!!!!!!

Dr Kenneth Wapnick said: “We should be grateful for all situations that make us the most uncomfortable, because without them we would not know there is something unhealed in us.” Well how is that for taking responsibility for our own suffering and happiness????

This months final Klesha, Abhinivesha, is the fear of dying or clinging to life. This is also related to clinging to control and not letting go. Have you ever held on so tightly (life or death tightly!!!) To a person, situation or outcome? Its exhausting and suffering at its best!
I love this quote from Dr Wapnick as I have had situations in my life that were most uncomfortable because I was spiritually ignorant (1st Klesha - Avidya) and desperately only saw one outcome that would make me content. Oh how wrong I have been and I have learned the most from these situations as I have been redirected again and again back to the unhealed part of me who is not enough and needs order out of chaos and everything “just so”. I think I know what is best for myself and everyone, this causes trouble! Let’s go through the next couple of weeks with the awareness of how we cause our own suffering and how it highlights the unhealed parts of ourselves and then jump into the joy!
It is a month of indulgences, let’s add the indulgence of self care to keep us from feeling overwhelmed.

As the holidays continue and we all gather with friends and family, take the time to see those you love and be the light for them. Give yourself 5 minutes of quiet this week to ask yourself what you want to bring with you into the holidays and what can you let go of. Can you take a few minutes each morning to center yourself so you are able to show up for all that is asked of you during this busy time? Is there something or someone you can let go of to clear more space? IS there 1 healthy habit you can add - take a walk, warm lemon water before your morning coffee or tea, an epsom bath at night. Enjoy all the indulgences of the season - extra family, friends, food, drink but also indulge your own self care in whatever way seems right for you! And again - stay out of Avidya and center yourself spiritually everyday!!

Happy Holidays to all of you!!!!

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