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January Week 2

I am starting the New Year with intention and peace

“I pray that I may welcome difficulties, I pray that they may test my strength and build my character.” Anonymous
I love this quote for a couple of reasons. First, it invites me to not judge myself so harshly, which I definitely have the tendency to do! Also, it opens up the door to non judgmental awareness, so I can be honest with myself and learn from whatever I am trying to resist in my life. And finally and maybe most importantly, it keeps me diligently on my spiritual path because as a friend and mentor reminds me…..if I had no struggles in life, what would be the motivation to keep seeking a spiritual connection! Remember, the most important component of our spiritual life is what Gabby Bernstein refers to as our “comeback rate”. Its ok to get bumped off the beam, that doesn’t mean we are not spiritual warriors! What we need to look at is how quickly we come back to ourselves and our true self, our authentic spiritual being. I believe this is a never ending cycle, I travel on the path of spirituality, I get bumped off and then I do the work and get back on track. This keeps me in the flow of spirituality on a daily basis.
The last 5 months we reviewed in depth the yoga philosophies 5 forms of human suffering, the Kleshas. We notice the Kleshas in our lives more by their absence than by their presence: that space of no agitation, rest and peace. When we are not feeling that way - there is something in the way, what is it? Its a form of a klesha!! So the practice is to continually self reflect - how are they showing up, how can I shift? Its the Yamas, the Niyamas, the yoga poses, meditation - everything we do together as a spiritual community is the spiritual solution!
What is your spiritual practice and can you make it non negotiable in 2023? Can you judge yourself less harshly as you travel along? Keep this intention in your mind - “I am starting the new year with intention and peace!”

A little extra credit lol….
Here are some morning prompts I found along the way this month:
How do I want to feel today?
Who do I want to be today?
What do I want to receive today?
What do I want to give today?

A tidbit…..
Last week I passed my exam and am now a Mind body green certified health and wellness coach!! I am continuing my studies to obtain a concentration in functional nutrition.
Please share this with anyone you know may want an assessment on the pillars of health:
Spiritual Physical
All of these areas of our lives contribute to our health and well being. Are you moving in the direction of personal health or away from it? Together we can uncover your best self!

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