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February 2023 Week 2

I am nourished, calm and content

“I am nourished, calm and content” is our intention this month of February, how does that feel to you? I am preparing to lead the quarterly cleanse next week, so lucky me - I will be well nourished physically! What does nourishment look like to you? For me it does begin with healthy meals and drinks, but it is much more. I wake up in the morning and cherish my quiet time to pray, read, journal and meditate. This sets me up for my best chance at moving through the day feeling nourished and content. I then move my body in some way. However….then life happens as it did this week. So here is my real world example of getting “bumped off our spiritual path”.
I fell on black ice early Monday morning and am struggling to type with a fractured wrist. There are 2 ways to handle life in these instances:
1.We can be angry, unaccepting and have ruminating thoughts of how this could have been easily avoided, or what does life look like in a cast for 6 weeks? There is also the -I want to swim and do yoga loud thoughts and I am supposed to be skiing in Colorado!! There is nothing nourishing in this space to ourselves.
2.On the other hand, I can look at the fact that it is not the dominate wrist, nothing else was broken or sprained in the lower body so some physical activity will still be ok. Hiking and snowshoeing in Colorado are great options and taking it easy on some green runs! I can still feed myself well and cherish my quiet time.

We all have people in our lives who go to option 2, we see them and their accepting way - I admire them. I will be honest, I am not one of those people right away. I still want life to workout on my terms and in my time. The good news is, I do bounce back in line with my spiritual path and shift to some part of the second option. How quickly I come back is directly related to how nourished I am. If I am eating crappy food, not moving and neglecting my spiritual self I will not be able to make the shift needed. I believe it is so important to nourish our whole selves - body, mind and spirit - which is why I am so passionate about the cleanses I lead.

Sometimes when life throws us a curveball our nourishment needs to shift. For example, part of my self care is yoga and swimming. I can modify and lightly stretch in yoga, but the swimming will have to stop. What can I do instead? Well I can walk my dog, maybe jog and take Peloton bike classes. I am on my way to Colorado and 1 ski day is being replaced with a hike and lunch. Physical activity is a big part of my self nourishment so I know I need to continue doing whatever I can to move my body. Should I also think about finding nourishment in slowing down? Yes and if I am honest, I actually think I should use this time to discover a new level of self care bearing in mind my conviction of the 3 fold nature of health and wellness. So I will continue to feed myself well with clean meals, I will enjoy my morning routine and I will redefine my physical self each day, staying out of the negative and what if stories and in the gratitude and opportunities. I will look for ways to rest and take care of me and my healing. Remember: “Obstacles are a detour in the right direction.” A Course in Miracles.

How are you when life gets tricky? Are you nourishing yourself in all areas of your life right now? Should you join the cleanse next week for 3 days of self care and building nourishing habits? The deadline to join is today, please email me and come along for the ride!!!

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