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April 2023 Week 2

Everything is unfolding exactly as it should

“Everything is unfolding exactly as it should”
How is your month starting out? As I often say, my intentions become very timely for me as each month unfolds. This past week I learned a couple of pieces of news in my families lives that DID NOT unfold exactly as I thought they should have! Now what???
I have written in the past about the Japanese art of Kintsugi - it is the art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold rather than glue. The pottery item ends up looking more beautiful than its original form. Kintsugi is a metaphor for embracing our flaws and imperfections. This ties in with last months intention where we spoke of accepting our imperfections. So while these details of life right now are NOT unfolding exactly as I think they should, could I move into the trust I spoke of last week and the hope of Kintsugi? Can I hope that once the pieces are put back into place, the situations will work out even more beautifully than I could ever have expected?
So there are 2 obstacles with this for me - 1)I need to trust the unfolding of life and 2)I need to stop thinking that I know what is best. The 2nd issue is my biggest obstacle to peace!!! I think I know and here’s the problem with that…..when I/we think we know how life should unfold, we make our lives smaller as we narrowly focus on one particular outcome. Let’s use this intention this month to embrace the possibility of trusting that “Everything is unfolding exactly as it should.” Live in the hope and possibility of abundance!

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