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April 2023 Week 3

Everything is unfolding exactly as it should

I heard this quote from Gurmukh years ago:
"I hope you’ve met at least one “Kingdom person” in your life. They are surrendered and trustful people. You sense that their life is okay at the core. They have given control to Another and are at peace, which paradoxically allows them to calmly be in control. A Kingdom person lives for what matters, for life in its deepest and lasting sense. There’s a kind of gentle absolutism about their lifestyle, an inner freedom to do what they have to do—joyfully. Kingdom people feel like grounded yet spacious people at the same time, the best of the conservative and the best of the progressive types in the same body.”

Now this is something to aspire to be, and as I said in class this morning - if even for a nanosecond we can be and feel this way……wow!!!!

“Everything is unfolding exactly as it should” would be a walk in the park for a Kingdom person to live by. Do you know any Kingdom people? Have you had any moments in your life of being a “kingdom person”? I strive daily for the inner freedom this quote speaks of and I often come up short, but I try, try and try again. In an appointment with my Naturopathic doctor last week I had a bit of a mini breakdown or lets be more positive and call it a break through. 3+ years post my breast cancer diagnosis I am still struggling with my sleep and hormonal imbalances which in turn is interfering with my thoughts!!!! I actually just spoke to a friend who has 3 little ones and is 7 months pregnant and a hot mess - we are the same, just for slightly different reasons lol. I of course told her everything I need to tell myself:
First, being honest and letting it out is the first step to shifting the feelings. “What we resist persists!” - lean into the discomfort.
Next I asked her to jump into her own spiritual toolbox, which I always say is different for everyone. Here is mine:
Hydration and nourishing meals
Sunshine, fresh air, movement, ocean dips
Connection with others
Prayer, meditation, yoga, journaling and
A daily gratitude list

The one piece I told her to embrace that maybe I needed to hear for me is: keep it simple right now, take care of your little ones, but first take care of you - self care, rest, be easy on yourself! I could use a little “be easy on yourself” - and let everything unfold exactly as it should!! (Without my help!)

Seems like a perfect time for the Spring cleanse for me! Join me in May, the flyer is in our emails!!!

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