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May 2023 Week 3

Relax with What Is!

“Presence is a gift that arises as we lean into trust. If we trust, we can relax. As we relax our nervous system balances, our heart energy becomes more coherent, our brain waves start to slow down, and we can see things differently.
The lower chakras support the heart center, the seat of love. When grounded in self-trust, and fueled by inner energy, love becomes sustainable. This is the kind of love that allows us to walk through life with confidence and faith in the greater unfolding of events.
Life is happening for us when we live in our heart. Life is happening to us when we lack faith - not just in life, but in our capacity to overcome the challenges before us.” Kia Miller

Relax with what is! We are gifted with the opportunity to practice heart centered and grounding yoga poses to help us energetically lean into our lives, accept the practices I offer you as you would a gift!!!! I am forever grateful to keep learning and practice along side you. Please take this weeks class, it embraces all of this!!! Grounding, heart and hip opening. Can we truly relax with what is and not resist our life circumstances and feelings? Lets move forward today with the certainty of our faith in the unfolding of life!!! And with that….sigh….ahhhhhhhhhhh!!😇

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