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June 2023 Week 2

I am undivided, I am where my feet are

I was listening to a podcast last night and the interviewee said, “Integrity is measured by the distance between someone’s lips and their life.” He had heard it somewhere, but could not remember the source. As I wrote last week, that is the meat of this intention and of all I do with the Calm Crew. This quote is along the lines of “walking the walk, rather than talking the talk.” I am going to be honest, I have been teaching yoga for 14 years, following a spiritual path for 32 and I still get stuck sometimes where I am just not in integrity, I am not walking the walk. I love the gage of integrity in my life being measured by how closely my words align with my life.
Another thing I heard last night was a stat on our memory: when we listen to a podcast or a lecture, anything which brings us new information…..80% is lost within 48 hours. OMG, how many times have you heard the most profound information, only to struggle to recall exactly what you related to lol. So the good news for me is I will keep learning and sharing so both you and I can retain the information we need to live as close to our own personal integrity as we can. Maybe even more importantly, to have the awareness when we are out of alignment and the tools to bring ourselves back. Sadly, many people live their lives with minimal awareness and they miss the fullness.
Here’s the hope….14 years later, 32 years later I am finally living closer to my integrity than ever before. The blocks to this way of living have finally been broken down. I am still not doing it perfectly, but I feel more aligned than ever and I am soooo grateful that I persisted and stayed on my spiritual path. We can’t do this alone. How are you doing with your words and your life? As I mentioned last week, summer gets busy - use this intention to get connected with yourself before the fun begins.
Sat naam (my truth is my identity) - don’t forget that.

I’m Just Saying……since I referenced our memory challenges, I thought it would be helpful to share some of the top foods for memory support. (All organic)
Eggs (grass fed)
Salmon (wild caught)
Leafy greens - kale, spinach
Dark chocolate (70% or higher)
Pumpkin seeds

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