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July 2023 Week 2

The space between my thoughts offers perfect happiness

“In the space between your thoughts, there is your truth.” Unknown

What a timely and amazing intention this month: “the space between my thoughts offers perfect happiness.” Today in class we focused on the 6th chakra, Anja, which is located in between the eyebrows or the 3rd eye spot. Anja is our space of intuition, our perception center, our command center.
Are you busy this month with summer activities and obligations? I certainly am and it is up to me to be true to myself during this busy time. In order to do that I need to create space between my thoughts - my mind is on overdrive right now with lots of people, events, tasks and obligations to get done and show up for - lucky me!!! However, now more than ever it is important for me to connect with me in some way. As I always say, we all have our own way of doing this.
“Right within you there is a feeble, simple, unoffending, absolutely knowledgeable, little conscious voice. It talks, it’s not loud. It’s very soft.” Yogi Bhajan - how can you tune into this voice? What is it calling you to do? to not do? This is your intuition.

I love this: “Connect with the space between your thoughts, as out of this space of nothing, arises everything.” Be true to you and find your everything - what an exciting month!!

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