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May 2022 week 1

My Fear Reveals to me what I Need to Heal

The third of the five Yamas is Asteya, or non-stealing. On a superficial level this means abstaining from taking things that are not ours. But Asteya’s deeper meaning goes far beyond this. It also means not taking that which is not offered, including not just material objects but also time, thoughts, energy, emotions and ideas.
Its fundamental implication is that we should refrain from looking outside ourselves to other people, things, and situations to make us happy and fulfilled.
The urge to steal, whether material things or otherwise, often comes from the subconscious belief that there’s not enough to go around. This fear of lack or scarcity leads to greed or hoarding.
Our meditation and mantra this month is Har. What does Har mean in Sanskrit? Seizer, Destroyer. We use this meditation and mudra to hit the meridian points on our hands to seize and destroy the fears, the blocks in our lives and on the other side is prosperity. Har is the meditation for personal prosperity!
There is no prosperity if we are not practicing Asteya, if we are looking all around ourselves and “taking” from others their ideas, thoughts or actions and making them our own. Who hasn’t taken an idea from someone - even as simple as a piece of clothing or a sofa (lol), do you feel as fulfilled as you would if you found that sense of “style” on your own and claimed it as your personal expression? This is not to say we can’t collaborate with others, that is fun, builds connection and can be very helpful. However, we want want to stay conscious of ourselves and who we truly are rather than “stealing” from others. Do you sometimes look at the accomplishment of others with envy? If so that is also not practicing Asteya, because on some level that feeling is driven from a “lack” mentality meaning: if you are accomplishing something that I want then I can’t have it as well - as if there is not enough success to go around. This week check your thoughts and feelings and catch yourself if any of this is coming into play, then try to shift it and bring yourself back to the comfort of you.
This month each week we will look at Asteya from a different view point and work to uncover our own blocks to personal prosperity from the inside out!
Our intention: “My fear reveals to me what i need to heal” will also help us uncover our blocks to claiming our own sense of self and not “stealing” from anyone else. With these Yamas and Niyamas as well as the rest of the yogic path we keep offering opportunities to connect with ourselves on a deeper level and that is a gift for sure!

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