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September 2023 Week 3

I rejoice in what the mirror of my relationships show me

With the help of Judith Lasater’s Wheel of Life book, I want to dive a little deeper into the 2nd chakra this week and how it relates to our intention: “I rejoice in what the mirror of my relationships shows me.”
The Sacred Truth inherent in the second chakra is ~Honour One Another~. This truth applies to our interactions with each other and with all forms of life. From a spiritual perspective every relationship we develop, from the most casual to the most intimate, serves the purpose of helping us to become more conscious. If you were to think of all of your relationships as assignments for spiritual growth, what could you learn from these assignments?
“God often sends us angels in the form of trouble makers.” Gurhmukh
Are there certain people in your life that support you and other “trouble makers” who in some way make you feel uncomfortable? What can you learn from both of these groups?

The physical energies of the second Chakra symbolize that all relationships are essentially spiritual messengers. They bring into our lives, and we into theirs, revelations about our own strengths and weaknesses. From relationships within the home to those at work to community or apolitical activity, no union is without spiritual value; each helps us to grow as individuals. We can more easily see the symbolic value of our relationship when we release our compulsion to judge what and who has value and instead focus on honouring the person and the task with which we are involved. (Remember one of our previous intentions: Today I choose to judge nothing that occurs.). Who are you judging? Who do you feel judged by?

“If there is a purpose other than compassion in the relationships in your life, you will also find pain in those relationships.” Yogi Bhajan

How can we use this month to become aware of our relationships and what they are trying to tell us about ourselves? Finally, can you look at your level of compassion in your relationships? On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 = no compassion and 10 = complete compassion, rate your most important relationships. What can you learn from this exercise, from the mirror of your relationships? The more awareness, the better! Let’s stay awake!!

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