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October 2023 Week 2

I choose to forgive myself, let go, and move forward with more peace

This week in class we did a “Japa flow” - Japa (Sanskrit: जप) is the meditative repetition of a mantra. We used the Green Tara mantra - Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha. This is said to be the mother of liberation according to the Buddhist tradition. The mantra is chanted to liberate us from our outer fears and inner negativity. It also serves to liberate us from our own limiting beliefs and our blindness of seeing the nature of who we really are. Once again this week, I encourage you to take this class which focused on twisting and releasing the outer hips, IT bands and shoulders along with the mantra for internal release.
Our intention this month “ I choose to forgive myself, let go and move forward with more peace” was also woven into class. Is there something limiting you? Something that resonated when you think of liberating yourself? Maybe it is a repetitive thought pattern, a behavior, a feeling - is there something you want to forgive yourself for through this liberating mantra? Remember our focus on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra 2:16 this month - pain that has not yet come is avoidable. Patanjali also said “yoga is preventative medicine for our mind.” Is this stacking up for you and making sense? Let me have a go at it for us….
This week lets use the Green Tara mantra to liberate ourselves from something we are holding onto. In the liberating process, we forgive ourselves, let go and then have more space for peace. IF we are doing this, THEN we can avoid future pain which is why yoga is considered PREVENTATIVE medicine for our mind because through our yoga practice we can stay present, live authentically and move forward toward more peace and less pain. Lucky us!

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