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October 2023 Week 3

I choose to forgive myself, let go, and move forward with more peace

“Self knowledge cuts through ignorance” - yet another quote from Fr Mike Schmitz on the Hallow app that I love. That truly is the goal of our time together during meditation yoga, cleanses and these dharma writings. For me self knowledge is the key to my well being, which still is not always “well” lol. Our intention this month: “I choose to forgive myself, let go, and move forward with more peace” seems to be a tall order for me for some reason this month. I can’t really pin point why, but I am having a reflective month and not in a kind way. I keep going back to yoga sutra 2:16 - “Pain that has not yet come is avoidable.” With this sutra, Patanjali teaches that yoga practice is preventive medicine for our minds—a way to keep future pain and suffering from manifesting. He reminds us that past pain doesn’t exist anymore, current pain is in process and will run its course, and future pain can be diminished or avoided altogether by committing to the yogic lifestyle. So I do feel committed to the yogic lifestyle and maybe what I need to do is just let this current pain run its course. I have said in the past - what we resist persists. Today I am going to stop resisting where I am at and just be ok with it.
If we break down the intention in 3 parts - forgiveness, letting go and peace and equate them to the 3 steps to change - awareness, acceptance and action, I think we can see how they line up. My yoga practice helps me stay in the awareness of myself and allows me to discern if there is anything I need to forgive or not. From there if I move into acceptance, I can let go of a small piece of what is holding me. And finally, moving into action and forward toward peace. Information without application is merely information, so how can you and I apply this information into our lives right now? How can we put this intention and our yoga practice into action? Today I will continue with my daily meditation, prayer and journaling and ask for the grace to accept where I am right now, it won’t last forever!

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