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November 2023 Week 1

I choose to trust myself

It’s November! Last week I wrote about the lunar eclipse and its significance in our lives, specifically it bringing the energy of closure to the last two years. I want to reiterate some of the information:

The eclipse is forward motion and this can sometimes feel disruptive to your nervous system, and you may even resist it initially. There is no moving backward on the lunar eclipse. You cannot fight this knowledge. You can only take it in and ask yourself what you can create with this. If you attempt to cling to energies that no longer serve your evolution, you will be met with frustration and misalignment. The lunar eclipse may reveal something in your life that needs to be released. Think of it as a push from the cosmos to take you out of stagnant energies and old patterns. Hold space for yourself and give yourself time to process the information revealed on the eclipse. Do not rush into any decisions, but rather let the energy settle and then make whatever moves are needed to propel you forward. The lunar eclipse and this month that follows are an opportunity to detach from energies, emotions, and even people who do not serve your evolution. Eclipses are the time to break through the barriers, in whatever form they take, that prevent you from reaching your potential.

Did you reflect on your last 2 years at all? Is there anything you would like to detach from? I do think this is worth talking about for a 2nd week as it has the potential to be powerful and lightening of our burdens leading into the heavier winter months and the fullness of the holidays. I am going to be very honest here (I usually am lol)……I would like to shed the energy of regret and the self loathing that comes with that has plagued me for the last 2 years. I have taken ownership for a conversation I had with someone I love, an amend has been made and life has moved on in the direction that it should. That is important - “it has moved on in the direction that it should” - if I believe as I teach of this God in my life - religious God, Good Orderly Direction, Grace Over Drama - then I need to let go and believe that life is as it should be right now. So in my mind the last 2 years this has been the scenario - how could you have said that? Thought that? You are so powerful that your words changed the direction of this persons life. I regret it, want it to be a certain way that it is not, a way that I am convinced it would be if I said or did nothing. My problem continues to be that I think I know what is best, I think I know how life will play out. However, what I have learned loud and clear the last 4 years is that I have NO idea what will happen in my life or anyone else’s. I would like to detach from the energy and emotions of regret and what that brings with it, is there anything or anyone you would like to detach from? Well this brings us to this months intention: “I choose to trust myself.” Can you trust your intuition? What is it telling you?

I am repeating the Eclipse Invitation from last week:
Eclipses bring intense energies in the cosmos and in your energetic field. You will feel the effects of this lunar eclipse a few days before the actual event, and they will continue for a few days afterward. You can choose to struggle with the energy of the lunar eclipse or you can harness it to shift your life.
Give yourself extra time to connect with your body and mind during this period. Meditate each morning, practice yoga, and connect with the outdoors leading up to the eclipse. Remember to focus on the simple things in life and allow any chaotic energies to settle by setting an intention to remain grounded in your body.

A lunar eclipse will eventually bring needed changes. Remember that this eclipse completes the energies put in motion two years ago with the first lunar eclipse in Taurus in this set of eclipse cycles that occurred on November 19th, 2021. Let the eclipse be a soft landing place for your emotional process in the previous two years. You may have experienced great upheaval in your life, or you may be feeling changes starting to stir. The eclipse is a time to center yourself and feel your inner stillness and strength.

This eclipse is your chance to transform and shift old patterns into new ones that allow you to heal. It’s your chance to simply let go. Not because some significant event has occurred, someone is forcing you, or you feel you have no choice. It’s an opportunity to release energies that no longer serve you without struggle or effort. Feel the simplicity of this eclipse and let it shift your life away from chaos and into harmony as you come home to yourself.

Today I choose to trust myself! You intuitively know, I promise!

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