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December 2023 Week 2

I Am Open to Unexpected Moments of Joy

Have you ever heard the saying that our serenity is in direct proportion to our level of expectations? Meaning if your expectations are high, serenity is low and vice versa. Well I think this is true to our openness of unexpected moments of Joy - if our expectations are high our unexpected moments of Joy will be fleeting! This is an important concept to keep in mind the next few weeks which can be filled with expectations, stress, overwhelm, excessive planning OR serenity, JOY, connection and openness. As always we get to choose. In Sri Swami Satchidananda’s book on the yoga sutras he talks about Sutra 1.2 and says: “As the mind, so the person; bondage or liberation are in your own mind.” In other words, if you feel bound, you are bound. If you feel liberated, you are liberated. Things outside neither bind nor liberate you; only your attitude toward them does that. Well I say, easier said than done sometimes.
I love the holidays but along with all the joy of the season is the possible stress and overwhelm too. I am loving this intention to help me find the balance between plans and pauses. I am open to unexpected moments of Joy and trying to be present to it all.
I have to share that last night after a long day I showed up with some friends and acquaintances to play curling at an outdoor rink in town. I was tired, a bit overwhelmed, cold and could have easily taken a pass but I decided to give it a try. Well it was soooo much fun and the unexpected moments of Joy through connection with this fun group made for a perfect night. Those moments are important to take in and not let them go unnoticed as life can often be challenging, so lets not miss these moments of unexpected joy this season. Maybe write a couple down this week or share one with me!!

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