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July 2022 week 3

Happiness is a choice I make

This week in class I read the following from Ram Daas which was sent to me by my husband Donald!!!!
“For a few moments just consider the following possibility. This happens to be true but you use it hypothetically so it won't scare you. Just consider the possibility that:
a) There are no errors in the Universal system
b) That just who you are (from a spiritual point of view) is EXACTLY the right place you're supposed to be at this moment; with all of your neurosis and hidden thoughts, particulars and issues - you're in just the right place at the right moment.
c) That the life that you have, that is unfolding before you, is the ABSOLUTE OPTIMUM CURRICULUM THROUGH WHICH YOU CAN FIND TRUE AND PROFOUND SERENITY, FREEDOM, AND JOY.
Can you get with that? So you're not too old or too young, not too fat or too thin, not too alone or too surrounded, not too rich or too poor, you're not too wounded, you're not in the wrong place at the wrong moment nor have you ever been. As you remember this, watch the mind (the ego) and notice how it's usually in a constant state of "if only it were a little different." We need to work with what we've got.”
What do you think???? Our Yama this month, Aparigraha invites us to enjoy life to the fullest while we trust the universe (or God) and let go. Aparigraha asks us to let go of the items we are “hoarding” which creates clutter in our space and disarray. The same is true for our minds, can we let go of thoughts we are “hoarding” which is creating clutter in our minds and chaos!!! Did you know we have 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day and 95% of them we thought yesterday, yikes!!!!! For the rest of the month let’s trust the God of our own understanding that we are right where we are supposed to be at this moment and jump in fully to the present. Today let’s make happiness our choice!

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