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August 2022 Week 1

Today I Connect With My Real Self

“In the absence of enlightenment, life contains suffering” from the wisdom tradition of Vedanta

Lucky you!!! In my spring retreat and summer cleanse we studied the 5 Kleshas which are defined as the 5 forms of human suffering. So I thought we would use the next 5 months to dive a little deeper into this part of yoga.
Unlike pain, suffering is the state of being caught up in our painful situation and identifying with it as an aspect of our being. Pain is what happens to us; suffering is our interpretation and holding on. Pain happens, suffering is optional!!!!
In Sanskrit, the term Klesha refers to a negative mental state that obscures the mind and allows the conditions of suffering to arise.
The 5 Kleshas are:
1.Avidya - ignorance
2.Ashmita - “I am-ness”, the limitation of the ego consciousness, or the ego sense.
3.Raga - attachment
4.Dvesha - hatred
5.Abhinivesha - fear of death or the instinct to protect the body physically.

The Yoga Sutras are the sacred text of the yoga philosophy and Sutra 10-11 states:
“The subtle causes of suffering are destroyed when the mind merges back into the unmanifest. The gross effects of suffering are discarded through meditation.”
By transcending the Kleshas we can be liberated from suffering. Ok so all we have to do is meditate and transcend or move beyond the limitations of our forms of suffering and all will be well??? Seems simple and it is, but it is certainly not easy!
A simple explanation of experiencing a Klesha is when we say…I hope or when we feel some kind of anxiety or sadness - so basically all of us have had a Klesha ruling our minds and emotions at one time or another.

Now onto the 1st Klesha, Avidya: ignorance, spiritual ignorance. This is a state of ignorance that arises when we forget our true nature as spiritual beings.
According to the yoga sutras - it’s the first and most important of the 5 Klesha’s and the root cause of the other four.
Ignorance is defined as the confusion that makes us see that which is eternal (the Self) as transitory and limited. The confusion is our habitual identification and fixation on pleasurable things - which are transitory and can’t bring lasting happiness.
Our intention this month is: “I am committed to connecting with my real self.” I will leave you here this week to re read the introduction to this Klesha and to contemplate how well you are in your commitment to your real self right now. For me, this takes daily work and early wake ups before my busy day begins, because as always we gather, we do this work so that we can fully experience the joy of our lives!

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