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August 2022 Week 2

Today I Connect With My Real Self

“I commit to being connected to my real self” is out intention this month, how are you doing????? Our Klesha this month, the 1st form of human suffering, Avidya - ignorance, spiritual ignorance is key for us this month. It is said that Avidya is “a state of ignorance that arises when we forget our true nature as spiritual beings.” Think of Ignorance as our habitual identification and fixation on pleasurable things - which are transitory and can’t bring lasting happiness. Said another way, it is treating our physical body and our personal belongings as eternal and hoping they will bring everlasting happiness.
However you interpret it, the point is: Avidya is the main cause of suffering because ignorance makes us search for happiness outside our real Self, which lessens our connection to our Real self, hence out of alignment with our intention.
I came home from beach yoga this morning and read this in my inbox: “Perhaps the most limiting thought I can have is that I have no choice in what matters to me. I can negate this false belief by reminding myself that I am complete and whole in God—a creation of spirit, mind, and body. So when I need to make choices, I do so with divine direction.” ~Daily Word
Just perfect! Life these days for me is full of fun, connection, family, friends, adventure and learning. I spoke in meditation how we can feel very fragmented and disconnected to ourselves if we are not committed and diligent to our spiritual self. This reading from the daily word reminds us that we have a choice in what matters to us and therefore where we direct our energy. How are you doing? Are you busy and fragmented? Busy and present? Taking time for your daily Sadahana (a spiritual practice) or are you hitting the ground running?
Here is an example of my day today and how I can move through it all connected to me and present to everyone! 6am wakeup to walk the dog, journal, meditate and read. Pack the car for beach yoga and ocean paddle with a dear friend after class. Home to eat, edit class recording and write dharma so I can send all of you the weeks content and have it on the website. Noon log onto health and wellness training class, teach a dear friend in need at 1:30 and be ready and present for a house full of family staying through the weekend and starting to arrive at 2! I have 2 ways to be in this day - overwhelmed and scattered or grounded and present - I choose B!
The full moon today, August 11, is about shaking things up and doing things differently - what can you shake and re sort in your life so you are connected to your real self? Nows the time, let’s do this!

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