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October 2022 week 4

All that I seek is already within me

Raaga, attachment to pleasure and pleasurable things. Has the focus on this Klesha served you in any way? Have you been more aware of what pulls you out of center? We all have times in our lives when our “happiness” is contingent on a particular outcome, we are human right? Our studies is merely an attempt to shed light on the ways that we make our lives uncomfortable and this is certainly one popular way to do that lol. With this awareness we are able to identify and honor this Raaga and then possibly bring ourselves back to our spiritual center of our intention: All I seek is within me. This is where we are at ease and we are fully enjoying the moment as it is, not as we “expect” it to be.

I read in class today: “part of the softness and the surrender and the trust comes from disarming whatever “it” (your Raaga) is, becoming less rigid about our expectations on ourselves and others. Letting all of that fall away so that we can experience the moment fully, so that we don’t miss any of the beauty, so that we don’t miss what is actually happening, so we can witness what we are actually meant to witness.”
Again remember: All I seek is within me!

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