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March 2022 week 4

I am Divine Love, Aham Prima

“Whatever we find ourselves engaged in, this jewel of Ahimsa, or non violence, asks us to step lightly, do no harm, and to honor the relationship we have with the earth, with each other, and with ourselves.” Deborah Adele

Happy Spring everyone! It is said that with the Spring Equinox our spirit is waking up with new ideas & new dreams for our life. It's fresh, warm energy has the power to make us feel alive & inspired, encouraging us to be reborn. I for one do feel like - I made it! Through the darker winter season and I have to say I really embraced it. I read a book called Wintering last month, which helped me appreciate the season and the resting period it can provide us if we lean into it and not resist it. Well now that is an example of this months Yama, non harming. The opposite of this would be resisting the winter season, resenting it and causing harm to yourself in your mind with angry thoughts and also harming those around you with a “negative Nancy” attitude lol. This weekend we also went through a Virgo full moon cycle which I wrote about on Sunday and I do think it is worth repeating some of the information because it lines up perfectly with this Yama and our intention, I am Divine Love, Aham Prema.
This full moon came to us after a long journey that spanned the past two years, which I believe were quite tumultuous for many of us and it may have brought up many emotions that were not processed at the time they were first felt. Now is the opportunity to sit with these feelings and know that you don’t have to be perfect, life doesn’t need to be perfect, and, most importantly, you don’t need to make the perfect decision every time. You also don’t need to regret past decisions or make yourself suffer because of things you could not possibly have known.
Through healing, this moon also offers us forgiveness. Forgiveness is one of the hardest forms of release—especially when we need to forgive ourselves. It is essential, though, on the path to manifesting our highest visions. When we hold anger or resentment toward ourselves or others, we block our ability to see clearly and attract the energy we need. It holds us in a lower vibratory pattern and takes away our ability to feel and express gratitude along with love and compassion.
In Deborah Adele’s book she writes: “We learn compassion as we stop trying to change ourselves and others and instead we soften the boundaries that keep us separated from what we don’t understand. We learn compassion as we dissolve our personal version of the world, and grow gentle eyes that are not afraid to see reality as it is.”
Aham Prema, I am Divine Love - repeating this simple mantra is an act of compassion towards ourselves and this is where Ahimsa and everything else must begin. It is so very clear that when we interact with the world, or I will say when I interact with the world; if I am spiritually centered and connected to myself, I deal with every part of my life in a more compassionate, non harming way to myself and everyone around me. Simple right? Can you start with compassion and forgiveness for your whole self and then move that out into your world?
As we finish out this month, ask yourself: what do I need to forgive? Do I need to forgive myself for something or do I need to forgive someone else?
It’s important to look at how we need to forgive ourselves. The low side of Virgo revolves around perfection. When we align with the shadow side, we expect ourselves to know all the answers. We put too much power in our own hands and forget that we are co-creating reality with the Universe. While we are in control of many things, we are not in control of everything. Events may happen that are simply part of our life, and there’s nothing we can do—or not do—to prevent them. Likewise, there are things that we can’t force to happen, either. There is a subtle balance between how much we can consciously control and how much we need to accept as destiny. While there is always free will, there is also a part of us that is connected to the higher consciousness of the Universe and will lead us subconsciously into situations so that we can learn the lessons we need in this lifetime. Are you being tested to learn any lessons right now or over the last couple of years? I hope this work serves you this month.

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