July 2024 Week 3
I Let Go and I Let In
OK so I always tell you that inevitably as a month progresses, the intention becomes relevant to me, so here goes! I had this intention in my notes from early June and thought it would be a great intention to follow our June practices of getting grounded. This month, I am letting go and I am letting in has been offered as a fluid response to life rather than a command.
June 29th my husband started his week vacation and by June 30th it was very clear he was not taking a week vacation, but he was resigning from a firm he had been at for 20 years. His decision seemed pretty abrupt to me, however there were many conversations in the past year or so that was in line with this decision. He also spent time in prayer and mediation asking and listening. So wow, yes this intention is once again exactly what I need at this moment as this is an enormous shift in our lives.
In this process, he (and I) are very clear that it is time to effortlessly Let Go of his position, now for the meaty part, the grown up part, the trusting piece…..
I am reading a fictional book called Sensible Shoes: A Story about the Spiritual Journey by Sharon Garlough Brown. It is the story of 4 women’s spiritual quests and Katherine in this quote is the spiritual director of the group:
“But Katherine promises there’s hope. She pointed out that it was a gift to be able to pour out my anger. She said that anger and resentment have been taking up space in my spirit for a long time. I just didn’t know it was there. In that sense, then, the emptying is preparation for receiving something else. “Freeing up sacred space,” Katherine said. I like that phrase.”
“Freeing up sacred space!!!!!!” - I don’t just like that phrase, I love it! What can you put out and let go of (replace the anger and resentment from the quote). What has been taking up space in your spirit for a long time? In the process of letting go or emptying we are preparing ourselves to receive something else, we are freeing up sacred space - wow wow, just love it!!! I want anyone I know to read this weeks dharma lol!!!!
Donald and I are freeing up sacred space and with faith and trust, we are very hopeful and excited to see what we will be letting in!!!!