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Dr. Frank Lipman


Life Science pharmacy

Scott Berliner -




The clean plate Gwyneth Paltrow

the clean plate gwyneth paltrow

Whole 30 cookbook

whole30 cookbook

Crazy sexy diet. Kris Carr - powerful story, Kris is a cancer survivor who made many life changes when she was diagnosed

crazy sexy diet kris carr book

Kitchen matters Pamela Salzman

kitchen matters cookbook

Food, What the Heck Should I Cook?  Mark Hyman, MD

food what the heck should i cook


Fire Starter sessions - Danielle Laporte

fire starter sessions book
A great book to provoke thoughts of where you are in life and where you want to be.  It pushes you to rethink what makes you happy.
You can read it and use it as a workbook if this cleanse has kindled some thoughts of change.  There is so much in it and worth a read.  In the book there are an enormous amount of quotes too, for example……anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you - David Whyte.  and bold types from Danielle, for example….Passion will always move you in the direction of your authentic self. or what can you do today, as in right now, to feel the way you want to feel? and Life is full of opportunities to feel exactly the way you want to feel.

Adrenal Thyroid Revolution Aviva Rome, M.D.

adrenal thyroidrevolution book
She is a doctor in NYC and wrote the book after many females were misdiagnosed with illnesses they didn’t have.

Gabriel Bernstein books
gabby bernstein books

The Four Agreements Don Miguel Ruiz

the four agreements book
1.Be impeccable with your word
2.Don’t take anything personally
3.Don’t make assumptions
4.Always do your best

Plus One Finding God on the Yoga Mat

plus one finding god on the yoga mat
A memoir of a mom, yoga teacher, seeker who - while vehemently avoiding the idea of God under all circumstances - finds herself passionately inspired by the higher power she discovers on a yoga mat.  Plus one explores the possibility we all have of finding connection and peace in the lives we are living.

Journey into Power Baron Baptiste

journey into power baron baptiste book
One of the founders of hot power vinyasa yoga - amazing teacher.

Chakras - The Wheels of Life. Anodea Judith

chakras the wheel of life book anodea judith
If you want to learn more about the chakras

Meditations from the Mat Rolf Gates

meditations from the mat by rolf gates book
Amazing daily meditations which also give you insight into many yogic philosophies.  

Dr Frank Lipman books
dr frank lipman books

Ted Talks
Brene Brown Vulnerability

brene brown vulnerabilty talk


 Brene Brown  shame

brene brown shame talk



My Favorites:




Dandy blend

dandy blend


Matcha powder


Vital Proteins


MCT oil

garden of life mct oil


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